funded by the National Science Center as part of the SONATA
BIS 10 project, 2020/38/E/NZ9/00007
“Friends or foes? The role of prophages in environmental adaptation and virulence of pectinolytic bacteria: Dickeya spp. and Pectobacterium spp. in vitro and in planta” at the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of the University of Gdansk and the Medical University of Gdansk
The expectations towards Candidates are as follows:
1. A master’s degree in biology, biotechnology, biochemistry, molecular biology, or a related field/discipline
2. At the start of the implementation of tasks in the project, he/she will be a doctoral student at the Intercollegiate Biotechnology Doctoral School of the University of Gdansk and Medical University of Gdansk
3. knowledge and practical experience in genetics, molecular biology, and bacterial biochemistry
4. Experience in laboratory work related to bacteria is required
5. Additional advantages in work related to bacterial plant pathogens and/or bacteriophages, techniques of site-specific bacterial mutagenesis, use of bioinformatics tools for the analysis of bacterial genomes and bacteriophage genomes, knowledge of techniques for working with plants under in vitro conditions and in the conditions of a terrestrial phytotron
6. Very good knowledge of English (speaking and writing)
7. Ability to publicly present own achievements
8. Independence, commitment, motivation, and responsibility
9. Ability to work independently/task and work in a group
The evaluation of candidates’ applications will take place in accordance with the Regulations on awarding NCN scholarships in research projects funded by the National Science Center (Resolution of the NCN Council No. 25/2019 of 14 March 2019).
Selected candidates who meet the formal and project requirements will be invited for an interview. Interview information will be sent to invited candidates by email.
Task description:
The doctoral student, as a recipient of the scholarship, will be an integral part of the research team led by Dr. Hab. Robert Czajkowski, Prof. UG. The team is currently engaged in the implementation of the NCN SONATA BIS 10 project titled “Friends or foes? The role of prophages in environmental adaptation and virulence of pectinolytic bacteria: Dickeya spp. and Pectobacterium spp. in vitro and in planta.”
The doctoral thesis will primarily focus on scrutinizing the molecular mechanisms involved in both maintaining and removing prophage hosts (viral sequences) from bacterial genomes. This analysis will employ advanced molecular biology tools to unravel intricate processes at the molecular level. Additionally, the doctoral research will encompass bioinformatics analysis, delving into the impact of prophage presence on the virulence, adaptability, and evolutionary success of host bacteria within their environmental context.
In summary, the scholarship holder, as a doctoral student, will play a crucial role in advancing the understanding of the complex interplay between bacteria and prophages, utilizing a multifaceted approach that combines molecular biology and bioinformatics techniques.
The subject of the doctoral thesis:
Title: Characteristics of strains of Pectobacterium spp. and Dickeya spp. – host bacteria cured of bacteriophage infections healing of bacterial strains from viral infections (molecular analyses, post-treatment strain sequencing). Determination of the phenotypes of bacteria lacking prophages (viral sequences) and their comparison with those of bacteria infected with prophages in vitro and in vivo. Analysis of the population dynamics of bacteria infected and cured from viral infections on plants, in vitro and in soil phytotron conditions. Comparative transcriptomic analyses (RNA-seq) of gene expression of strains infected and cured from viral infections on plants under infection conditions and in vitro.
Doctoral student-scholarship holder will carry out their doctoral projects under the supervision of their supervisor: dr hab. Robert Czajkowski, prof. UG as part of the NCN SONATA BIS 10 project.
The application should contain:
– Candidate’s declaration of willingness to participate in the competition
– A cover letter describing the Candidate’s scientific and professional interests
– Curriculum Vitae (CV) of applicant(s) containing a description of scientific experience (participation in scientific projects, publications, scientific oral presentations and posters, scholarships, membership in scientific student organizations, awards, distinctions, etc.)
– References (recommendation letter) from the direct scientific supervisor describing the achievements of the Candidate
– A copy of your university diploma
– A grade point average from studies certified by the Dean’s Office of the Faculty
– Candidate’s contact details
– Declaration signed by the Candidate: “I consent to the processing of my personal data contained in the scholarship offer for the purposes of the recruitment process, in accordance with the Act of 29/08/97 on the Protection of Personal Data, Journal of Laws No. 133 item 883”
Please send complete applications to the e-mail address: with the subject of the message – DOKTORANT-SONATABIS10-Robert Czajkowski
The scholarship holder will be selected by a committee appointed by the Rector of the University of Gdansk.
Please direct any questions to:
dr hab. Robert Czajkowski, prof. UG
Phone: +48 58 523 63 33
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