This is a joint postdoctoral position between the lab of Andrea Fossati (KI/MTC, SciLIfeLab) and the lab of Christian Giske (KI/LabMed) focused on the developing of phage-based antimicrobials. The Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC) at Karolinska Institutet conducts research and teaching within immunology, infection biology, cell biology and cancer.
The candidate should have strong background in microbiology and antimicrobial resistance, expertise in bacterial culture and phenotypic screenings, extensive knowledge of antimicrobial testing in BSL2/BSL3 settings, basic molecular cloning (primers design, PCR, restriction, ligation, Golden Gate assembly, competent cells preparation, bacterial transformation, plasmid purification, gel electrophoresis), including basic biochemistry (protein expression, purification, western blots, immunofluorescence), knowledge of virology/phage biology techniques (plaque assay, phage isolation, etc), along with working knowledge of comparative genomics/sequence analysis.
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