The focus of this project is to uncover phage’s molecular workings through an integrated structure-functional approach combining phage microbiology, biochemistry, and structural biology. The project is supervised by Vasili Hauryliuk (PI) as well as Gemma Atkinson (co-PI, structural bioinformatics, Lund University) and Pontus Gourdon (co-PI, cryo-EM, Lund University and the University of Copenhagen).
This post-doctoral position is part of the EU co-fund research project AMBER, Advanced Multiscale Biological imaging using European Research infrastructures, which will address scientific and sectoral gaps in biological imaging ranging from molecular, through cellular, to tissue, organ, and organism levels of organization, and is coordinated by LINXS Institute of Advanced Neutron and X-ray Science.
work may include clinical and biomedical projects. It may also include technique development work aimed at combining imaging techniques and data analysis to provide a more integrated picture of life processes in health and disease. To be a postdoc fellow at the AMBER program you will get unprecedented medical, biological, and methodological capabilities, with a profound potential impact on Europe’s next generation of research and researchers. When you have completed the AMBER program you will be extraordinarily well-equipped to further your career in academia, at infrastructures, in the health and MedTech sectors, and beyond.
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